Dr. Bill is a cradle flatlander who emigrated north across the Cheddar Curtain over twenty-five years ago and immediately became enamored with every square inch of Wisconsin…and most of her people. As a country vet he has worked shoulder-to-shoulder with folks who’s physical strength is dwarfed by their character and grit. Inspired by John Boy Walton, James Herriot, and Mike Perry he’s written three editions of the In Herriot’s Shadow series. Collections of short stories in celebration of humanity and an assault on the notion you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

Stork lifts values gleaned from listening around the dinner table in Decatur Illinois and campfires high on the Continental Divide and builds stories that are timely, relevant, and memorable. Dr. Bill is a regular guest of Larry Meiller on WPR, and has appeared on dozens of local radio programs. He’s a frequent participant in Madison, Milwaukee, and Chicago Moth Story Slams, and Grand Slams.